Tuesday 20 August 2013

here i come paris!

well, after 8 weeks of europe i'm finally on the very last travel leg before i reach paris. it's been a tumultuous experience, filled with incredible places, people and shenanigans! 

the final stop on my journey was not really a touristy stop, i came here simply to hang out with issy. after a relaxing 4 days of movies and shopping - with the exception of 5am wake ups - i'm ready and raring to hit the ground running in the most romantic city in the world! (don't worry dad, that was completely unrelated to boys). thank you issy and titus for a really nice ending to my adventures.

this trip has most definitely been one of the most challenging experiences of my life. i spent 5 weeks in total travelling alone, a seriously daunting prospect when i set off. now i'm very happy that i braved it, as over this time i have constantly been thrust far beyond my comfort zone. never before would i have invited random people to eat dinner with me (let alone been comfortable eating at a restaurant solo), approached strangers for directions, navigated my way through cities without a map, and most of all, i would never have planned my trip as i went. my initial idea to follow croatia with italy and spain went out the window, and i'm glad it did! instead i have been to places in eastern europe i never would have gone alone and met some absolutely incredible people at each stop along the way. i'm so glad i've had such an incredible opportunity!

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