Sunday 25 August 2013

settling in

sorry about the lack of posts recently, it's been rather hectic since i arrived in paris!

shopping for homewares, groceries and a few items of clothing has been lots of fun. i've tried to explore a little bit more of paris each day i've been here - walking about 10km per day! it is such a beautiful place, i still can't believe i'm lucky enough to be living here for the next 4 months! 

orientation for university has begun, the information gets a tad overwhelming, but i've met some really lovely people. there's just so much to do - have to get my residency permit, bicycle pass, metro pass, new mobile number, bank account, meet my agency representative, and arrange to get my belongings delivered! plus i find anywhere to learn french at times that would suit me, so going to have to utilise audio lessons i think, oops! oh well, the joys of being here! once i'm sorted out i know i'm going to have an amazing time here. so excited for everything to come!

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