Saturday 29 June 2013

a quiet one

last night was definitely an experience. despite being the only english speaking person aboard my bus i had a surprisingly easy trip. sat next to a young turkish woman named zeda... if i'd been sitting next to the pig across from me i would have cried, so was very happy! 

got to my hostel in istanbul at 8.30 this morning and have decided to just take it easy today. went to a hammam this morning - the fat lady scrubbing me thankfully was wearing bathers (even if they were tiny and semi-sheer). i felt so clean after being steamed, scrubbed, foamed, massaged, washed, steamed and washed again!

just had to do some laundry - my clothes stank from the minerals of pamukkale - and now i'm off to the spice market before meeting tim and casey for dinner! 

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