Sunday 30 June 2013

life on greek time

today was my lucky day. realised at 10.25 that i was booked on a shuttle to the wrong airport in turkey. sprinted down the street and somehow managed to catch the 10.20 bus! on arrival at the airport could hear that almost every flight was being delayed - by some miracle mine wasn't! 

arriving in greece and making my way to the hostel was far less stressful than in turkey. staying at the student & travellers inn, which has been pretty great so far! the lovely british girl on the desk highlighted all the good attractions on a map, and so spontaneously joined with two other solo travellers to trek up lycabettus hill. the views over athens were fantastic.

somehow we managed to come down the wrong side of the hill, so spent a while lost before managing to find ourselves and wandered through the national gardens on our way back to the hostel and managed to see the changing of the guard too! 

asked the guy on the desk for a recommendation for dinner, and were so glad we did! the place was awesome!! we shared a variety of local foods and listened to live music from next door. the service definitely occurred on greek time, but it was a pretty perfect first night!

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