Sunday 23 June 2013

i made it!

had an incredibly eventful trip to istanbul. a 92yo man on the flight had a heart attack, my wonderful seat mate saved his life! so after being diverted to jakarta, we made it to abu dhabi just in time to rush through the airport to catch my connecting flight - thank goodness! 

arriving in istanbul, waited in a 500 person long queue for passport control!! thankfully moved pretty fast and then i was faced with the adventure of getting to the hostel. it was awesome, i think if i can manage catching a train, walking under and over roads, being harassed by taxi drivers and turkish men, catching a tram and finally asking random people how to get to my hostel i can manage anything! finally ready to embrace europe!!

went for a wander after i arrived. this place is stunning, the architecture is incredible - cant wait to properly explore it all today! typically, spent last night drinking beer with a group of aussies, but it was quite nice for the first night to be around the familiar! 

bring on today!

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