Wednesday 26 June 2013

random thoughts from turkey

the world is a seriously small place... in greece or barcelona i wouldn't be surprised to run into people by chance, but somehow within the space of 10 minutes in istanbul i bumped into two people i knew!! 

saw a grave stone at the lone pine cemetery that stated "to live in hearts we leave behind is not do die". really stuck with me, so felt the need to share it. 

selfies suck. 

language barriers can be both frustrating and fun. had an absolutely hilarious time with 3 canadians attempting to order lunch from two turkish women who didn't know a word of english. lots or miming and laughs later i managed to request pilav (rice - much better egyptian rice than you made mum :P) and some chicken and potato dish. certainly an experience, though trying to find the toilet when you really need to go and no one speaks english is far less enjoyable!

australians are great comfort when you're travelling alone. especially in a country where many men seem to love to make inappropriate advances and keep touching my face! 

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