Wednesday 31 July 2013

death and a wedding

another failed upload...

today i went with a group of people from my hostel to kutna hora, a town in the czech countryside. in kutna hora is a church famous for its human bone artwork, created with the remains of over 30,000 people!

whilst at the church we had a special ceremony. two of our group were married by another resident of our hostel who spent the morning getting his celebrant's licence online. so there we were, surrounded by thousands of skulls, while lynn and ryan exchanged hilarious vows.

got back and had a delicious red curry for dinner with kerry before having a cheeky nap. from which i was abruptly woken by two of the madhouse staff attacking me with water pistols - out of love supposedly! hmmph!!

went out to a few cool bars tonight, but laying off the alcohol because i'm on antibiotics for an ear infection. as a result, home and going to bed at 1am. night!

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