Saturday 6 July 2013

my first hiccup

today my intention was to switch accommodation and then take the bus to kamari beach again. unfortunately today wasn't my day.

checked out of my hostel in oia and went to get money out before catching the bus to fira. the atm swallowed my travel money card. cue freak out!! 

a lovely irish man came over to the atm after i'd been standing there for 15 minutes. he minded my bag while i went across to the tourism office for help. they called the bank to which the atm belonged - typical greeks, nothing could be done until monday. so i attempted to call mastercard - lo and behold, my phone wouldn't allow me to make outgoing calls. adding insult to injury, my account deducted the 200 euros i was attempting to withdraw! 

after 3 hours of talking with my parents, borrowing mobiles from kind australians and listening to wonderful hold tones, it was finally sorted - i think! 

just wandered a bit this afternoon as the weather is rather overcast and windy. guess it matched my mood. tomorrow is going to be a much better day - going on my boat cruise!!! 

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